Women Entrepreneurs Network for Development Association (WEND)

Women Entrepreneurs Network for Development Association (WEND) is an ssociation of women entrepreneurs which is a government approved trade body registered nder the Ministry of Commerce, incorporated with Joint Stock Companies of Bangladesh as well as member of FBCCI.

The Association has been established with a goal of extending support to the women entrepreneurs all over the country. WEND has a wide range of network with women entrepreneurs all over Bangladesh with an efficient body of executive committee with nine members with strong business background. It is principally devoted to develop network amongst the women entrepreneurs in every tier of our country.

WEND provides support not only to prominent business women but also to the women entrepreneurs in start up phases. We also organize seminars, workshops, training programmes on various skills and businesses development issues regularly for women entrepreneurs locally and nationally. WEND is also providing support to women entrepreneurs nationwide through WEND Support Service Centres. Their mission is to help women entrepreneurs gain their trade lisence, TIN certificate, VAT issues, skill development training. They over archingly help women entrepreneurs gain easier access to bank loans and promote their product in a national and international market.

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